Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Table of Densities of Common Substances

Table of Densities of Common Substances Heres a table of densities of common substances, including several gases, liquids, and solids. Density is a measure of the amount of mass contained in a unit of volume. The general trend is that most gases are less dense than liquids, which are in turn less dense than solids, but there are numerous exceptions. For this reason, the table lists density from lowest to highest and includes the state of matter. Note that the density of pure water is defined to be 1 gram per cubic centimeter (or, g/ml). Unlike most substances, water is denser as a liquid than as a solid. A consequence is that ice floats on water. Also, pure water is less dense than seawater, so fresh water can float on top of salt water, mixing at the interface. The Factors That Affect Density Density depends on temperature and pressure. For solids, its also affected by the way atoms and molecules stack together. A pure substance can take many forms, which dont have the same properties. For example, carbon can take the form of graphite or diamond. Both are chemically identical, but they do not share an identical density value. To convert these density values into kilograms per cubic meter, multiply any of the numbers by 1000. Densities of Common Substances Material Density (g/cm3) State of Matter hydrogen (at STP) 0.00009 gas helium (at STP) 0.000178 gas carbon monoxide (at STP) 0.00125 gas nitrogen (at STP) 0.001251 gas air (at STP) 0.001293 gas carbon dioxide (at STP) 0.001977 gas lithium 0.534 solid ethanol (grain alcohol) 0.810 liquid benzene 0.900 liquid ice 0.920 solid water at 20Â °C 0.998 liquid water at 4Â °C 1.000 liquid seawater 1.03 liquid milk 1.03 liquid coal 1.1-1.4 solid blood 1.600 liquid magnesium 1.7 solid granite 2.6-2.7 solid aluminum 2.7 solid steel 7.8 solid iron 7.8 solid copper 8.3-9.0 solid lead 11.3 solid mercury 13.6 liquid uranium 18.7 solid gold 19.3 solid platinum 21.4 solid osmium 22.6 solid iridium 22.6 solid white dwarf star 107 solid

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